
Follow these rules, or you'll be banned! I promise... and I don't like banning people.

  1. faris_pirate_sama (Faris) is the owner. Listen to her, or she'll smite you.

  2. The NPC tender is Tori (a man in his 30's), unless otherwise stated. Please abvoid intamate relationships/conversations with him. u_u

  3. Don't create your own NPCs to run/work in the pub! Tori is the only NPC allowed unless Faris says so.

  4. PARA RP is the only accepted form of RP. I want to see LINES, or you're out.

  5. Following the Para RP rule, absolutely no OOC is permitted to be typed without /think bubbles! Whether you're IC in the room or not, I want OOC in bubbles so people can tell it apart.

  6. Fighting is allowed, but if you damage something, you'll have to replace it.

  7. Rules | Layout and Description | Links